Below are some of the most recent projects we have completed. CAFC is looking for landowners who are interested in having watershed restoration ... shoreline management, partnerships, species at risk and invasive species.
Biodiversity Protect Our Shared Home
CAFC published A Guide for Algoma - Biodiversity - Protect Our Shared Home - both on our website and as a 5.5 inch by 8.5 inch 16 page colour and glossy booklet. The guide highlights celebrating the relatively intact ecosystems of Central Algoma related to Lake Huron, waterfront properties, ponds, wetlands, farms and woodlots. It also identifies things people can do to support biodiversity.
Environmental Explore Local Recreation Map
CAFC published an Explore Local - Discover Your Sense of Place - Central Algoma Adventure Map The map is a legacy item connecting Algoma residents to nature and raising environmental stewardship to consciousness. The intent of the map is to deliver environmental messages while at the same time creating an identity of place tied to the natural environments.
Living with Climate Change
CAFC published a - Guide for Algoma - Local Adaptations for the Climate Crisis. The guide is available on the resources - reports section of this website and as a booklet. The guide highlights future climate scenarios to the local climate with "low carbon" emissions to 2050. Data is from the Climate Atlas of Canada (referencing Blind River)
Tree Seedling Planting
Thank you to Sault College for donating over 2000 tree seedlings to CAFC over the last 4 years. Thank You also to all the volunteers who planted trees on their properties. During the pandemic tree distribution was done while minimizing in person contact. CAFC offered the trees in bulk numbers and asked people to request trees via email and have the trees delivered to the end of their driveway. Planting trees is always a very hopeful activity for the future.